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contact us

for product inquiries, please contact online customer service, or email to

shenzhen rion technology co., ltd

  • contact number

    whatsapp: 008615625295088

    wechat: 008615625295088

  • business sales mailbox

  • company address

    block 1, cofco(fuan) robotics industrial park , da yang road no. 90, fuhai street, baoan district, shenzhen city, china

online message

thank you for your attention and support to us, we will serve you wholeheartedly, welcome you to write down the precious requirements and suggestions, we will reply in the first place

this product is developed exclusively for commercial applications and is prohibited from being used for illegal purposes, such as military activities, research related to nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons, or any other actions that violate laws and regulations. it is strictly forbidden to engage in activities related to goods embargoed by the united nations, the european union, or the osce, as well as any other activities prohibited by the export administration regulations. without the written consent of our company, this product must not be transferred to any third party. purchasing this product signifies your acceptance of this disclaimer and your agreement to sign the related liability agreement. if these regulations are violated, all responsibilities will be borne by the purchaser, and our company will not be held liable.